import { fetch } from "";
export let fetchJSON = async (url: string, options?: any) => {
let f = await fetch(url, {
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
import { normalizeURL } from "";
export const fetchJSON = async (
url: string | URL,
options?: RequestInit & {
bearer?: string;
fetch?: typeof fetch;
// Utility function for fetching JSON data
async function fetchJSON(url: string) {
try {
const response = await fetch(url);
if (!response.ok) {
import { h } from "[email protected]";
// Function to fetch JSON data from URL
async function fetchJSON(url: string) {
try {
console.log(`Attempting to fetch data from: ${url}`);
const response = await fetch(url);
async function fetchJson(id: string) {
const headers = new Headers([
["Accept-Profile", "edm"],
["Accept", "application/rdf+xml"],
import { fetch } from "";
import { normalizeURL } from "";
export const fetchJSON = async (url: string, options?: any) => {
let f = await fetch(normalizeURL(url), {
redirect: "follow",
import { fetch } from "";
import { fetchJSON } from "";
console.log(await fetchJSON(""));
console.log(await fetchJSON("", { fetch }));
import { email } from "";
import { fetch } from "";
function fetchJSON(url) {
return fetch(url).then(res => res.json());
export let currency = async (desired, base = "usd", amount = 1) => {
import { fetchJSON } from "";
export let aqi = async () => {
let pm25 = (
await fetchJSON(
"" +
new URLSearchParams({
import { fetchJSON } from "";
import process from "node:process";
export async function home(req: express.Request, res: express.Response) {
interface Artist {
name: string;
join: string;
import { fetchJSON } from "";
type UserParams = {
username: string;
type ValParams = {
username: string;
import { fetchJSON } from "";
// Use this to get the Bluesky posts from any user.
// Just pass in their username (like "")
export const bskyPosts = async (repo = "") => {
const { records } = await fetchJSON(
import { extractValInfo } from "";
import { fetchJSON } from "";
export default async function (req: Request) {
const url = new URL(req.url);
const [, id, action] = url.pathname.split("/");
if (!id) {
import { fetchJSON } from "";
let { boredActivities } = await import("");
export const imBored = async () => {
return (boredActivities = fetchJSON(
import { fetchJSON } from "";
import process from "node:process";
export async function discogs(
request: express.Request,
response: express.Response
) {
import { fetchJSON } from "";
// Explore the Star Wars universe, from StarWarsAPI
export let starWars = fetchJSON(
import { fetchJSON } from "";
export const mil = async () => {
const json = await fetchJSON(
return json.stats[json.stats.length - 1];
import process from "node:process";
import { fetchJSON } from "";
export let getMe = fetchJSON(``, {
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${process.env.valtownToken}`,
import { handle } from "";
import { fetchJSON } from "";
export let uid =
(await fetchJSON(
import { API_URL } from "";
import { fetchJSON } from "";
import { Octokit } from "npm:@octokit/rest";
import { DateTime } from "npm:luxon";
async function getLatestCommit(ghUser: string, ghRepo: string, branch: string, client: Octokit)
import { fetchJSON } from "";
const { env } = Deno;
// Altered from
const fetchJSON = async (url, startAt = 0) => {
const response = await fetch(url);
const text = await response.text();
const json = JSON.parse(text.slice(startAt));
import process from "node:process";
import { fetchJSON } from "";
import { rimeRateLimitExceeded } from "";
// We provide some amount of free usage to this API
// Callable with my API key via api(@stevekrosue.rime, {text: "blah blah", ...})
export async function rime({ text, speaker, key }: {
import { fetchJSON } from "";
// Public holidays in the US in 2023
export let holidaysUS = fetchJSON(
import { fetchJSON } from "";
export let currency = async (base = "usd", desired?: string = "php") => {
let { rates } = await fetchJSON(
return rates;
import { fetchJSON } from "";
import { getGoogleAccessTokenFromRefreshToken } from "";
export let forceUnsub = async (emails: string[]) => {
const { access_token } =
await getGoogleAccessTokenFromRefreshToken();
/** @jsxImportSource */
import React, { useEffect, useState } from "";
import { createRoot } from "";
import { fetchJSON } from "";
const subreddits = ["Battletops", "AverageBattlestations", "desksetup"];
import { parentReference } from "";
import { fetchJSON } from "";
import { runVal } from "";
export let ratelimit = async (limit: string, key?: string = "default", namespaceId?: string, namespacePassword?: string) : Promise<{
ok: boolean,
status: number,
import { fetchJSON } from "";
export const myIP = () =>
import { searchParams } from "";
import { fetchJSON } from "";
export function runs({ token, error, source, since, until, offset, limit }: {
token: string;
error?: boolean;
source?: ("api" | "ui" | "interval" | "email")[];